Life or Something Like It (2002)

Life or Something Like It:

Quick recap:  Lanie Kerigan (Angelina Jolie) is a local news reporter who has dreams of becoming a national anchor.  When doing a story on a homeless man, Prophet Jack (Tony Shalhoub), the prophet predicts that she will die in less than a week.  Not taking him seriously, Lanie quickly dismisses the prediction... that is until all of his other predictions start to come true.  Believing now in her untimely demise, she begins to examine the meaning of her life and shows regrets about always putting work above everything else.  Lanie will need to learn how to have some fun before it's too late.

This was supposed to be Angelina Jolie's comic debut but she may have grabbed at the wrong straw when she decided to make this movie.  Sitting through Life or Something Like It was like being clubbed over the head over and over again with the clichéd themes of "live life to the fullest" and "don't take anything for granted."  Come on... if Kevin Spacey couldn't pull it off in K-PAX, what made the filmmakers think that Angelina Jolie could fare better.  Actually, Angelina Jolie puts on an average performance but it's clear that comedy is definitely not her strong suit.  She really should stick to the more dramatic roles in which she's proven her craft (at least until she's offered a better comedy script).  It's not all her fault as the writers for Life... were so direct in shoving their clichés in your face, that one wonders if they know the meanings of subtlety and tact.  It's not that I don't agree with what the movie is trying to say...  After all, I've been preaching "there's more to life than work" for years now.  But in this unfunny comedy attempt, a good message is lost in a sea of witless and mistimed humor.  I want my $4.50 back.



Copyright 2002 Tso Long Productions ©