Minority Report (2002)

Minority Report:

Steven Spielberg is back with his second science-fiction flick in a row following A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001).  In Minority Report, he gives us kind of a cross between Total Recall (1990) and The Fugitive (1993).  Our main character is Detective John Anderton (Tom Cruise), who heads up the Department of Pre-Crime which stops and arrests murderers before they actually commit the murder.  They do this by using what they call pre-cogs, who are basically psychics who can see a murder before it actually occurs.  Anderton maintains a strong belief in the system as there hasn't been a murder in 6 years...  That is until the pre-cogs accuse Anderton himself of committing a murder in the near future.  Knowing this, he is now on the run in an attempt to prove his future innocence.  Even though the movie looked great in it's futuristic setting, the story definitely wasn't very gripping or exciting.  It was more of a clichéd Steven Spielberg type of "happy" movie, than a sci-fi thriller and one can't help but feel that maybe Spielberg's style has become a bit dated.  The attempts at humor during supposedly tense moments, just seemed to throw off the whole pacing and tone of the movie.  Not to spoil anything, but another problem was the usual Spielberg ending where everyone and everything is living happily after ever.  Audiences don't always need that spelled out as we can usually put the pieces together.  In this instance, the ending was very forced and deliberate and almost insulting.  Perhaps it's time for Spielberg to start exploring with different film techniques than what he's accustomed to.  Definitely a sub par outing this time so hopefully he'll try something a bit different next time.



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