Blade 2

Blade 2:

If you're not looking at the Blade 2 through a microscope, you will enjoy it as much as the first one.  If you didn't enjoy the first one, then go see a doctor because something ain't right.  It's a sequel that does the original movie justice as the fight scenes are better and even the story is a bit more intricate.  Blade 2 takes place two years after the last movie ended and our hero Blade (Wesley Snipes) is still in the vampire-hunting business.  Scud (Norman Reedus) is the new tech-guy he's found to make all his gadgets and toys that are Blade's trademark.  Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) though is not out of the picture either.  Apparently, he survived the last movie and was taken by the vampires so Blade is on a mission to find out where they're keeping him.  [SPOILER ALERT]  After Blade inevitably rescues Whistler, he is paid a visit by the Vampire High Council who need his help in fighting a new breed of vampire.  This new vampire breed has apparently mutated into what they call Reapers and are certainly more of a threat.  This being the case, Blade must become allies with the vampires (at least temporarily) to eliminate the Reapers.  He joins with a group of vampires called the Blood Pack (who were originally created to destroy him) and they go in search of the dangerous Reapers.  The movie is brilliantly edited together, taking you around to all the different points of action a la the Star Wars movies.  Donnie Yen from Iron Monkey (1993) is part of the Blood Pack but all they gave him is one short little fight sequence.  His talents went to waste if you ask me, but moving on... all of the fight sequences were pretty enjoyable.  The dialogue is a bit rough around the edges but who cares when you have fun fight scenes.  They certainly left room for another sequel which I hope comes soon.



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